
Hi, thank you for taking a look around my site. If you have any questions feel free to reach out on LinkedIn, Github, or by email!


  • Thesis Erasmus

    DTU, Denmark | Sept 2020 - Mar 2021

    Six month Erasmus for my Master Thesis in DTU (Denmark Technical University) supervised by Ole Winther

  • Co-Founded startup at Cohenagen, Denmark

    Prediba | 2019-2020

    Founded Prediba, a start-up that deliver predictive maintenance to manifacturing companies interested in imporove its efficiency via AI and digitalization

  • Mentoring at Poste Italiane, Alfamotion

    Freelance | 2019

    Held Machine Learning courses starting from pre-requirements, to Machine Learning and Deep Learning topics

  • Developed Official App SIS2017

    Freelance | Sep 2016 - Jun 2017

    SIS is an annual italian statistic conference held in 2017 at Florence. The app guides the user to the talks, events and the building. Since performances weren’t critical, the application was developed like a website to code-once and deploy everywhere


├── Programming Languages
│            ├── Python
│            ├── Java
│            ├── C and C++
│            └── Nim
├── Machine Learning
│            ├── Linear models
│            ├── Trees (Decision trees, Random Forests and GBTs)
│            ├── Dimensionality reduction (PCA, LDA, t-SNE)
│            └── Clustering (K-means, DBSCAN)
├── Generative models
│            ├── Variational AutoEncoder
│            ├── Diffusion models
│            └── Generative Adversarial Networks
├── Deep Learning libraries
│            ├── Pytorch
│            ├── Tensorflow (1.x and 2.x)
│            └── Pytorch Lightning
├── Web Programming
│            ├── Angular
│            └── HTML/CSS/JS
└── Teaching
Programs crashed


Programs crashed

Gradient updates


Gradient updates

KL-Divergences without NaNs


KL-Divergences without NaNs


Reality and Purple Night

Reality and Purple Night


Mathematical Details of Noise Injection in Diffusion Models

Mathematical Details of Noise Injection in Diffusion Models


Deep explaination of the mathematical details behind diffusion models noise injection.

The stranger of Albert Camus

The stranger of Albert Camus


Personal analysis of "The stranger", a manifest of Camus philosophy. The protagonist, Mersault understood the absurdity of reality but lived in a society which has not, considering him a stranger.